
To install Hapsembler:

Click the link below to download the latest version of Hapsembler.


On a GNU environment run the command:

tar -xzvf hapsembler-2.21.tar.gz

This will unzip and extract the files to a directory named "hapsembler-2.21". Change your directory to "hapsembler-2.21" and follow the instructions given in INSTALL. Please note that Hapsembler is mainly tested in 64-bit Linux-based environments. You may install Hapsembler on a 32-bit environment however this is not recommended due to memory limitations.

Changes from previous versions:

--- from version 2.12 ---
- a memory bug regarding large datasets with several hundred million reads is fixed

--- from version 2.11 ---
- minor bugs in library statistics adjustments are fixed (regarding scaffolding)

--- from version 2.1 ---
- an issue related to parsing of SAM files is fixed
- documentation is revised

Changes from previous major release:

Hapsembler has undergone substantial changes including several bug fixes, addition of new features and improvements in memory and disk space usage. See the documentation for interface changes and other details.

System requirements:

The Hapsembler package requires the following to install and run successfully. Listed in parenthesis are the versions used to test the current Hapsembler package. These utilities must be accessible via the system path:

make (GNU make 3.81)
g++ (GNU gcc 4.4.6)
bash (GNU bash 3.2.25)
perl (v5.8.8)

Older versions:

We will make the previous versions of Hapsembler available for a limited time however we strongly encourage users to download the latest version of Hapsembler.
